Expressions in Fine Arts

Music Ministry
Ministry Head: Pastor Louie A. E. Hendon, III
For over a decade, our dynamic ensemble has illuminated our ministry with unparalleled talent and energy. Through traditional gospel's soul-stirring tones to the contemporary beats, we transcend genres,
pushing boundaries in skill and technique. Our unwavering dedication aims to resonate with each listener, leading them to a profound

Daughters of Zion
Ministry Head: Deaconess Katrina Cid
Step into the world of Daughters of Zion Dance Ministry, where the art of interpretative dancing becomes a powerful vessel for preaching the Gospel. Established in May 2008, our mission is to glorify God,
usher in His presence, and inspire others to praise and worship through the beautiful language of dance. Join us in this dynamic ministry

Mega School of Ministry
Ministry Head: Minister Connie Rosemond
At The School of Ministry, our mission is to cultivate strong and knowledgeable disciples of Christ. We are dedicated to providing solid teachings on Christian doctrine and emphasizing the essential discipline of
studying the Word of God. In this ministry, our goal is to guide Christians towards spiritual maturity, enabling them to overcome

Mega School of Theology
Ministry Head: Dean Linda Holt
The School of Theology is a dedicated space for structured training and certification of new ministers in the five-fold gifts. Rooted in and affirming the theology of Mega Church, this ministry is designed to equip
individuals with a comprehensive understanding of theological principles. Join us as we embark on a journey of deepening knowledge,

Prison Ministry
Ministry Head: Minister Cheryl Garcia
Within the Mega Arms Prison Ministry, where our mission is to extend the transformative power of repentance, deliverance, and salvation to those behind prison walls. Our dedicated members are
passionate about leading incarcerated individuals into the knowledge of Jesus Christ and guiding them to embrace Him as their
Excellence in Family Living

Children's Ministry
Ministry Head: Minister Gail Pickett
Mega Kids Ministry is a vibrant community dedicated to shaping the future of children aged 18 months to 12 years, by nurturing and preparing them to thrive in the world. Our focus extends beyond mere care,
emphasizing the holistic development of our kids spiritually, physically, academically, socially, emotionally, and mentally.

Teen Ministry
Ministry Head: Elder Brian Evans
The Mega Church Teen Ministry is committed to being a reproductive organism that fosters the development of the God given purpose of all teenagers that filter through the ministry.
To reach this objective, the ministry will provide wholesome recreation, (fellowship), discipleship through Tuesday night classes

Men's Fellowship
Ministry Head: Elder Gerald Manning
The Mega Men's fellowship provides a guided forum based on biblical principles to men seeking to understand its practical application in various aspects of their relationships, finances and direction in life.
The effectiveness and uniqueness of the Mega Men's fellowship is in part due to its format. Though the subject matter is guided by

Women's Ministry
Ministry Head: Sister Rebecca Hayes
Our mission is to gather women from all walks of life; to reach them, love them, teach them, respect them, empower them, encourage them, honor them, support them, pray for them, and to help them to bloom
where they are planted. Meetings are every 4th Saturday of the month from 10am - 12pm. Studying the word of God and applying
Economic Development

Business & Professionals
Ministry Head:
The Business & Professionals Ministry of Mega Church seeks to fulfill the Corporate Vision by bringing to reality the covenant of prosperity actively working in our midst. We seek to dispel the mentality that God
has no place in Corporate America, Government or the Professional World. The truth of His headship should be a driving force